
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Interview tomorrow!!

For my hubby! He is interviewing at Dr. Pepper tomorrow! Many perks for working at a large corporate company! Just pray the Lord's will on the situation, our lives and their direction and my hubby's nerves that he will have confidence in his abilities and experience and that he will not stumble over his words. I know whatever the Lord wants to happen will so I am trying not to get too hopeful!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tears again...

This time as I walked away from the nursery at church this morning. It isn't that I don't trust the ladies back there to take care of my Chance, it's just that I have leaving him unless its with his daddy. This morning was the first time that we left him in the nursery through the service all by himself. And I hated it. He is growing up so fast. Michael had to leave me every week since he was six months old. I don't ever want to leave my little one. Ugh...but I made it through the church service, actually listened to the message and was so relieved to know my little man did so well in the nursery. Why does love have to hurt so much?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

More growth..

Only this time I realized the growth of my little man. We spent all day in his room sorting out his clothes, putting away the clothes that are too small for him (an entire basket...already), pulling out fall and winter clothes and organizing everything including his entire drawer of socks and shoes! Soon it will be time for him to move into his room to sleep every evening. I will be so sad to see him leave my bedroom. His growing up will just speed up from that point.

I have a meeting with a babysitter tomorrow. She was referred by a lady at church so I hope that she is the one. Pray the Lord's will on our meeting. Michael also comes home tomorrow and we will see everyone on Saturday!

Bedtime for now!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One day down, 177 to go!

The first day of 4th grade went off without a hitch! Michael was up before Terry and I this morning. He said he didn't sleep all night but that he wasn't excited. Momma knows tho...he was secretly excited and he has his momma's nervous stomach so he was probably awake with a nauseated stomach all night. He let me take a couple of pictures of him but that didn't last long. He looked so cute tho! I convinced him to let me do his hair but that will probably be one of the only times this year! He was ready super early so we went ahead and left for the bus stop. As soon as we got in the car he said, "Now if you start crying Im getting out of the car!" (based on my tears at Chance's dr appt yesterday, he knew I would be shedding a few). I convinced him I wouldn't cry until he was out of the car and he was fine with that. So off to the bus stop we shoes, new clothes, new undies and socks, a new bookbag, and all new school supplies. He was two feet taller than the rest of the kids at the bus stop but that didn't surprise me. Off he went after I stole a quick kiss on the forehead.

I picked him up 7.5 hours later and he was all talk and smiles...Praise God!! He said he had the best day at school ever, Ms. Pechar is the nicest teacher ever and he wished he could have stayed until dark!! Woohoo! Hopefully this lasts all year long! Based on the last couple of difficult years of school I NEED a good, easy year! She is much, much younger than any teacher he has had ever so I hope she can relate to him better. Needless to say, I am already preparing my first email to her! He is at his dad's tonight but I told him I would call tomorrow to see if tomorrow ends as good as today!

Pictures of my 4th grader

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sad times mean growth!

Well tomorrow my baby goes to school as a fourth grader. I just can not believe it. And I think it only gets harder to see the first day of school come as the years pass by. I thought the tears would end after Kindergarten started but the only thing that has changed is that now I don't actually go to the school the morning of the first day so Michael can't see me cry. But getting into the car the tears roll.

I have so enjoyed being home with the boys this summer....I should have been a teacher! :) Not really. Wanted to when I was growing up but the Lord definitely knew better! Michael has driven me crazy this summer but I wouldn't change it for the world. I can read his attitude, know exactly what is going to make him mad, know that after that activity is over his 'anger high' comes back down, know that he loves his brother know matter what else irritates him, realize that I didnt avoid the "Why?" stage it just came about 6 or 7 years later than I expected, and know that I am super blessed to have the boys and husband that I have. No matter how much Michael and Terry irritate each other, or how much they love the baby, or how for granted they take everything I do around the house, or whether the house is clean I know they are the perfect family for me!

Getting back to the school schedule will take time tho. I am so glad I have 2.5 weeks of it before I have to go back to work.

Chance is 9 weeks old this week. He had his two month appt today...three shots...ugh! I think I cried harder than he did! Michael held his ears because he hates to hear him cry hard and Terry just talked to Chance while I held his legs so they wouldn't squirm for the nurse. I hate to think we have to do it all over again in two months! He is doing fine tonight but he needed extra love and cuddling today. And I didn't mind at all! He is nearly 26 inches long and 15lb 2oz. Off of the charts in both areas but that is ok according to the doc! He is such an amazing little boy. I have learned so much in the last ten years since Michael. I have grown so much as a mother and a person and I am so glad the Lord worked it out this way. 9 years ago I thought my world was falling apart and now I am so glad He had everything in HIs control!

Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I just read sis's blog and I don't think I am going to read it anymore! :) I have been upset the last two times I have read it! Today it is tears; I really am dreading going back to work. It is true, I used to say I could never be a stay-at-home mom and after the last 8 weeks I say I could definitely do this all of the time! I have sooo enjoyed being home with Michael and Chance this summer. When Michael was a baby, I was ready to go back after 6 weeks but this time it is sooo much different. With a fabulous husband to help during the evenings, a super helpful big brother thru the day and a great baby, I could do this forever! I am sooo thankful for everything I have been given including the 12 weeks I will have been home with my little men but I wish it wouldn't end. I just have to continue praying for the Lord's will. He knows better than me what our future holds and what is best. I do have a couple of degrees to pay for that I just got, plus a great realiable vehicle that needs paid for and a job to go back to. So I just praying for peace about the things that I have to face in the next couple of months. I know my first week back to the office will be long and tearfilled but God knows best and I will just wait to see what happens. Just pray for me because I am a month out and it already upsets me.

And thanks sis, your prayers mean the world to me! Love you!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Well, I just read sis's post about summer ending and now I am bummed. This summer has gone by so fast and the end of the summer means back to work for me. I hate that idea, however I have no other choice. I am praying for the Lord to give me peace about going back.

Today the boys and I ran around alot. We went to several thrift/goodwill stores to look for a fish tank. Michael is into fish tanks now that sis and Brad have several and so do mom and dad. We also went major grocery shopping. We were out from 11-5 then he had to go straight to Michael's baseball practice and finally home for dinner. We had a great day despite the running and the boys were both great.

Tomorrow is my postpardom appt. I definitely am not looking forward to it. I know I have put on weight since I came home from the hospital. The darn sweets that I crave are killing me! I went for 25 weeks of being pregnant without wanting sweets and now....I can't keep myself away! Grrr!!!

Here are a couple of pictures we took on the way home from NC last week. Of course, Michael did great for these....another grrr!!